Free Recipe Breakfast Casserole 2

Recipe Type: Free Breakfast Recipes
Recipe Preparation: bake
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 1

Ingredients for Breakfast Casserole 2 Recipe

3 c Cubed bread
3 c Cubed ham or fried sausage
3 c Grated cheese
2 tb Melted butter
1 ts Dry mustard
1 tb Flour
6 Eggs
3 c Milk

Breakfast Casserole 2 Preparation

Temperature at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Make at least 8 hours before baking. Place first 3 ingredients in 9 x 13 inch pan. Combine flour and mustard, sprinkle over bread crumbs. Beat eggs, butter and milk, pour over bread mixture and refrigerate, bake uncovered. Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #985 by M. Hicks <> on Jan 5, 1998

How Do You Cook Breakfast Casserole 2?

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