Free Recipe Molho De Nago (Nago Sauce)
Recipe Type: S Recipes
Recipe Preparation: cook
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 1
Ingredients for Molho De Nago (Nago Sauce) Recipe
4 Malagueta peppers
1/2 ts Salt
1/4 c Dried ground shrimp
1/4 c Lemon juice
1/2 c Okra; sliced
Molho De Nago (Nago Sauce) Preparation
Malagueta Sauces (Brazilian pepper sauces): Here are four sauces from the Brazilian cuisine based on the malagueta pepper. My reference (apart from personal experience) is Brazilian Cookery, Traditional and Modern , by Margarette de Andrade, published in English in Rio by A Casa Do Livro Eldorado, originally published by The Charles E. Tuttle Company (Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo). See notes in recipe MOLHO DE ACARAJE (ACARAJE SAUCE) . MOLHO DE NAGO (NAGO SAUCE): Served with cozidos , or stews. (The Nago were an African tribe from the Yoruba region, taken to Brazil as slaves) Pound first 3 ingredients or blend, then add lemon juice and okra. Usually served with a Brazilian stew and can be diluted with some of the broth from the stew. Sometimes a small amount of jilo, a small bitter eggplant, is also used in this recipe. John Oh my God it”s 10:30 Moore, Melbourne, Australia CHILE-HEADS ARCHIVES From the Chile-Heads recipe list. Downloaded from Glen”s MM Recipe Archive, .
How Do You Cook Molho De Nago (Nago Sauce)?
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