Free Recipe Cheese Curd Pudding

Recipe Type: Free Desserts Recipes
Recipe Preparation: bake
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 4

Ingredients for Cheese Curd Pudding Recipe

2 qt Milk
2 c White wine
1/2 c Unsalted butter; melted &
2 Eggs
1 Additional egg yolk
1/2 c Fine cake or cookie crumbs
Sugar to taste
1 pn Salt
2 tb Butter; melted (for topping)
1/4 c White wine (for topping)
3 tb Sugar (for topping)

Cheese Curd Pudding Preparation

This is an interesting and a rather fun dish to make. The kids should get a kick out of this as it is a very old dish and something they have certainly never seen. It comes from the hand ofJefferson’s daughter, Martha, and we assume it was in the original Monticello cookbook. Pour the milk and wine into a stainless-steel pan and heat gently. Do not stir. After a few minutes a curd will form. Put a double piece of cheesecloth in a colander and drain the whey from the curd. Discard the whey. Mix the curd with the butter. Beat the eggs and add to the curd. Stir in the crumbs and sweeten to taste, adding a pinch of salt. Butter a one-quart baking dish and turn the mixture into it. Bake in a 325ø oven until set, about 30 minutes. Serve with melted butter, wine, and sugar sprinkled over the top. From <The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American>. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe Archive, .

How Do You Cook Cheese Curd Pudding?

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