Free Recipe Rabbit Cake (Hasen Kucka)
Recipe Type: Misc Recipes
Recipe Preparation: bake
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 1
Ingredients for Rabbit Cake (Hasen Kucka) Recipe
1 Rabbit 1
1/2 tb Flour
1 Potato Filling Recipe
Salt & Pepper
1/2 c Broth **
Rabbit Cake (Hasen Kucka) Preparation
** Use broth in which rabbit is cooked . The recipe didn’t specify, but I assume that the rabbit is to be boiled. ~————————————————————————- Cook the rabbit until tender, separate meat from the bones and cut into small pieces. Butter a casserole and put a layer of the potato filling in the bottom, then a layer of meat; add 1 Tbsp of sauce (made by combining the flour and water), seasoning, and continue until dish is filled. Bake at 350øF until brown (about 25 minutes). Source: Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book ~ Fine Old Recipes, Culinary Arts Press, 1936.
How Do You Cook Rabbit Cake (Hasen Kucka)?
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