Free Recipe Maple Fudge 2

Recipe Type: C Recipes
Recipe Preparation: cook
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 6

Ingredients for Maple Fudge 2 Recipe

1 tb Flour
1 c Granulated White Sugar
2 c Maple Syrup
1/4 c Corn Syrup
1/2 c Milk or Cream
1 tb Butter

Maple Fudge 2 Preparation

Mix flour and sugar in a saucepan. Add maple syrup, corn syrup, and milk. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally to soft ball stage. (232-236 degrees) Remove from heat and drop butter on top. Cool to lukewarm; beat until glossy look begins to leave. Pour quickly into buttered pan. SOURCE:Carole Lathrop From Gemini”s MASSIVE MealMaster collection at

How Do You Cook Maple Fudge 2?

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