Free Recipe Hashed Brown Quiche 2

Recipe Type: B Recipes
Recipe Preparation: bake
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 4

Ingredients for Hashed Brown Quiche 2 Recipe

5 md Potatoes; scrubbed and
-grated, peel and all
2 tb Vegetable oil
1 md Onion; finely chopped
3 lg Eggs
1-1/2 c Cream
1/2 ts Soy sauce
1/2 ts Dry mustard
1/8 ts Black pepper
1 c Shredded cheddar cheese
3 tb Chopped fresh parsley
Paprika; for garnish
Grated Parmesan cheese; for

Hashed Brown Quiche 2 Preparation

Preheat oven to 350