Free Recipe Green Masala

Recipe Type: S Recipes
Recipe Preparation: stir
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 1

Ingredients for Green Masala Recipe

1 sm Piece of fresh ginger
1 Cloves of garlic (up to 2)
4 Fresh green chilies (up to
1 sm Bunch of fresh coriander

Green Masala Preparation

The following spice mixtures are just samples of how to make each mixture. There are many many varieties of each mixture and the below recipes can be modified to fit individual tastes. Most will keep for 3 or 4 months. General Directions: If chilies are used remove seeds from chilies. Dry roast the whole spices over a medium heat until the darken, stirring often to prevent scorching. Cool then grind into a powder. Dry roast any fresh leaves for a few minutes. Grind then add to mixture along with any powdered spices. Peel and chop ginger. Remove seeds from chilies. Remove coriander stalks. Pound all ingredients to a paste with a little water. Keep in a jar in the refrigerator upto 2 weeks. Posted to TNT – Prodigy”s Recipe Exchange Newsletter by (Caroline R McBride) on Jul 17, 1997

How Do You Cook Green Masala?

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