Free Recipe Ginger Beer 3

Recipe Type: Free Misc Recipes
Recipe Preparation: boil
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 54

Ingredients for Ginger Beer 3 Recipe

3-1/3 lb Munton & Fison dark plain
Malt extract
1-1/2 lb Munton & Fison plain dark
Dry extract
1 c Corn sugar
3/4 lb Crystal malt
1/2 lb Chocolate malt
2 oz Cascade hops (boil)
1 oz Fuggles hops (finish)
Ale yeast
Ginger, grated

Ginger Beer 3 Preparation

Add crushed grains to 2 gallons cold water. When mixture begins to boil, remove grains. Boil 1 hour with malt extracts, ginger and Cascade hops. Turn off heat, add Fuggles and steep five minutes. Strain into primary, add water to bring to 5 gallons and ferment 3 days. Rack to secondary. Prime and bottle. My long-term taste bud memory says this was brown, bitter, and slightly sweet with a great ginger flavor and tingle at the back of the throat as it went down. It was overcarbonated (7/8 cup of priming sugar is too much!) I wish I could tell you how much ginger I used, but I remember I wished it were more. Go for it! I”ve found nothing better to drink with Chinese food. Primary Ferment: 3 days Recipe By : Jackie Brown From: Stephanie Da Silva File

How Do You Cook Ginger Beer 3?

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