Free Recipe Fiddleheads on Toast

Recipe Type: Free Breakfast Recipes
Recipe Preparation: boil
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 1

Ingredients for Fiddleheads on Toast Recipe

Fiddlehead ferns

Fiddleheads on Toast Preparation

Fiddleheads on Toast I: Cook fiddleheads; drain. Arrange on squares of toasted bread or on toasted English muffin halves. Pour rich white sauce with diced, hard-boiled eggs added over all. Serve sprinkled with paprika. Fiddleheads on Toast II: Cook fiddleheads; drain. Arrange on toast and top each serving with slices of crisp-fried bacon and a generous amount of white sauce, either plain or with cheese added. Fiddleheads on Toast III: Cook fiddleheads; drain. Roll fiddleheads in thin ham slices; broil and serve on toast or toasted English muffin halves with white sauce to pour over. Add cheese to the white sauce, if desired. From _The Wild Flavor_ by Marilyn Kluger. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1984. Pg. 250. ISBN 0-87477-338-5. Typed for you by Cathy Harned. From Gemini’s MASSIVE MealMaster collection at

How Do You Cook Fiddleheads on Toast?

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