Free Recipe Dutch Oven Morning Coffee Cake

Recipe Type: Free Breakfast Recipes
Recipe Preparation: bake
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 8

Ingredients for Dutch Oven Morning Coffee Cake Recipe

1 Dutch Oven — Cleaned
1 lg Can of Fruit Or Pie Filling
4 c Bisquit Mix Or Baking Mix
1/2 c Sugar Mixed With The Bisquit
1/2 c Dry Milk Mixed With The
Bisquit Mix
1-1/2 c Water Or Water And Egg
1/2 c Sugar Mixed With 1/2
ts Cinnamon For
1 Stick Margarine Cut Into
sm Pieces Onto
The top of the coffee cake
In the oven
1 lg Spoon

Dutch Oven Morning Coffee Cake Preparation

Put the bisquit mix, sugar, and milk powder in a zip lock food storage bag. Minimize the air in the bag. If using a cast iron dutch oven , line it with aluminum foil Put the fruit or pie filling in the bottom of the dutch oven. Mix the liquid with the dry mix in the zip lock bag. Be careful not to break the bag. Add a little more liguid if the fixture is dry. Put the dough onto the fruit in the dutch oven. If the dough is firm, drip it in pieces over the fruit. Sprinkle the top of the dough with cinnamon sugar and dot withsmall pieces of margarine. Put the lid on the dutch oven and place about 24 charcoal coals on the lid and about 18 coals under the bottom. Bake for 40 minutes. Recipe By : Troop 21 Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #641 by on Jun 07, 1997

How Do You Cook Dutch Oven Morning Coffee Cake?

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