Free Recipe Crab Au Gratin 2

Recipe Type: Free Misc Recipes
Recipe Preparation: bake
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 5

Ingredients for Crab Au Gratin 2 Recipe

8 tb Butter; (1 stick)
1/2 c Onion; minced
2 tb All-purpose flour
1 c Milk; scalded
1/2 ts Salt
1 ds White pepper
1/4 c Sherry
12 oz Crab meat
1 c Crackers; finely crumbled
1/2 c Cheddar cheese; finely

Crab Au Gratin 2 Preparation

PREPARATION: 1) Crumble crackers between waxed paper with a rolling pin. Reserve just enough crumbs and cheese to top the casserole. 2) Melt 4 tablespoons of the butter in a large heavy skillet. 3) Add onion and saute for about 5 minutes or until golden. 4) Slowly add flour, stirring constantly over low heat. 5) When flour is blended, gradually add hot milk (scalded) and blend with a whip. 6) Continue stirring over low heat until the sauce begins to thicken. 7) Add salt, pepper, and sherry, and continue stirring in a bowl. 8) Mix crab meat, sauce, and the extra cracker crumbs and cheese. 9) Place in a lightly greased baking dish. 10) Sprinkle reserved cracker crumbs and cheese on the top of the casserole. 11) Dot the top with the remaining 4 tablespoons butter. 12) Bake uncovered at 350øF for about 15 minutes or until the top is golden brown. Formatted and Busted by Recipe by: Red Lobster Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by Carriej999 <> on Mar 8, 1998

How Do You Cook Crab Au Gratin 2?

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