Free Recipe Chipotles
Recipe Type: Free Misc Recipes
Recipe Preparation: cook
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 1
Ingredients for Chipotles Recipe
Jalapeno chiles
Chipotles Preparation
From: (James Rook) Date: Mon, 02 Sep 1996 14:35:14 GMT To Boz: You’ll probably get a lot of replies on this, but chipotles are dried, smoked, ripe jalapenos. If you don’t have a local source (my local Giant carries them in a little plastic thingy – expensive) like an ethnic food store, you can order them from many of the catalogs. Check the Chilepage for good addresses. If you want to make them yourself I have two techniques that work for me. Method #1 – 1. Fire up your smoker. A grill will work but remember you’re smoking and drying not cooking, so keep the heat very low – 180 to 200. 2. Cut a little X on the bottom of your chiles and put them in the smoker. 3. Tend the fire and wait for about 6 – 8 hours or until chiles are dry. 4. Store in an airtight container. 5. Enjoy! Method #2 – Quick and Dirty (I use this for green jals I’m going to use right away) 1. Get a Cameron stove top smoker. 2. Cut jals in half and place in smoker. 3. Smoke for 1/2 to 1 hour. 4. Repeat #5 above. If you’re looking for an adobo sauce for the chipotles just mix 1cup catsup with 1 cup vinegar, 1 finely chopped onion and a couple of cloves of garlic and cook it down until it’s reduced by half. Add chipotles. CHILE-HEADS DIGEST V3 #092 From the Chile-Heads recipe list. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe Archive, .
How Do You Cook Chipotles?
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