Free Recipe Breakfast Sandwiches

Recipe Type: Free Breakfast Recipes
Recipe Preparation: bake
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 6

Ingredients for Breakfast Sandwiches Recipe

12 sl Bread slices; butter on both
8 oz Ham slices
8 oz Swiss cheese slices
3 c Milk
6 c Eggs
Salt and pepper
1 tb Dry mustard
1 ds Tabasco sauce

Breakfast Sandwiches Preparation

Place 6 slices of bread in pan alternate ham and cheese cover with bread. Mix milk, eggs salt,pepper,mustard, tobasco. Pour over sandwiches. Refrigerate over night. Bake 350° for 45 min. Recipe by: Kay Posted to TNT Recipes Digest, Vol 01, Nr 977 by Kay L. Hitchcock <> on Jan 30, 1998

How Do You Cook Breakfast Sandwiches?

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