Free Recipe Blaeberry Singin-Hinnies

Recipe Type: Free Breakfast Recipes
Recipe Preparation: cook
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 6

Ingredients for Blaeberry Singin-Hinnies Recipe

225 g Plain flour, plus extra
1 ts Baking powder
115 g Butter, cut into 1cm cubes
150 ml Buttermilk
Handful of blueberries

Blaeberry Singin-Hinnies Preparation

1. Sift the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt into a bowl and rub in the butter (no so much that it resembles breadcrumbs); leave the butter in tiny lumps. Loosen the mixture with two tablespoons buttermilk; mix in the berries. Fold in the remaining buttermilk to form a soft consistency. 2. Heat a griddle or frying pan. Divide the mixture into six and shape into balls, using plenty of flour. Gently press each one into a 13cm/5in circle. Cook on the hot griddle until golden; turn halfway through cooking. Keep hot while cooking the rest, or eat cold. NOTES : These Northumberland scones are traditionally cooked on a girdle or griddle pan, but you can also use a heavy-based frying pan. ‘Hinny’ is a northern term of endearment; ‘singin’ is the noise made as the butter bubbles inside the mixture; and ‘blaeberry’ is the Border Country word for blueberry. Serve hot with crème fraîche or whipped cream, extra berries and a dusting of nutmeg. Makes 6, Per serving: 285 cals, fat 16g Recipe by: BBC Good Food, October 1996 Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #655 by Kerry Erwin <> on Jul 04, 1997

How Do You Cook Blaeberry Singin-Hinnies?

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