Free Recipe Basic Bean Burgers
Recipe Type: Free Misc Recipes
Recipe Preparation: boil
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 1
Ingredients for Basic Bean Burgers Recipe
1 c TVP granules
1 Scant cup boiling water
1 tb Tomato paste or ketchup
1 16-oz can pinto, kidney, or
Other beans, drained
1/4 c Whole wheat bread crumbs
2 Cloves garlic, finely
1/2 ts Oregano
1 tb Tarmari or soy sauce
1 ts Sweetener
Salt and pepper to taste
Whole wheat flour for
Basic Bean Burgers Preparation
Pour boiling water over TVP and tomato paste in a bowl. Stir and let rest for 10 minutes. In food processor, combine TVP mixture and remaining ingredients except for flour. Pulse until mixture is almost a puree. Dust hands with flour and shape mixture into 6 burgers. Dust them lightly in flour. Layer the burgers with sheets of waxed paper and refrigerate for at least one hour. Cook on a gill covered with foil for about 10 minutes on each side.<p> Victoria Schiloni, who owns and operates a vegetarian catering service in Philadelphia, offered her Basic Bean Burger (above) along with a peanutty variation (follows). Posted by Terry Frye <A01TMF1@MVS.CSO.NIU. to the Fatfree Dig. [Vol.12 Issue 3], Nov. 4, 1994. FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1994. Used with permission. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, using MMCONV. File
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