Free Recipe Amaretto Liqueur

Recipe Type: Misc Recipes
Recipe Preparation: boil
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 1

Ingredients for Amaretto Liqueur Recipe

1 c Granulated sugar
3/4 c Water
2 Dried apricot halves
1 tb Almond extract
1/2 c Pure grain alcohol and
1/2 c Water
1 c Brandy
3 dr Yellow food coloring
6 dr Red food coloring
2 dr Blue food coloring
1/2 ts Glycerin

Amaretto Liqueur Preparation

This recipie looks very similar to one found in: Classic Liqueurs; The Art of Making and Cooking with Liqueurs by Cheryl Long and Heather Kibbey. Combine sugar and 3/4 cup water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and simmer until all sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and cool. In an aging container, combine apricot halves, almond extract, grain alcohol with 1/2 cup water, and brandy. Stir in cooled sugar syrup mixture. Cap and let age for 2 days. Remove apricot halves. (Save apricot halves, as they may be used for cooking). Add food coloring and glycerin. Stir, recap and continue aging for 1 to 2 months. Re-bottle as desired. Liqueur is ready to serve but will continue to improve with additional aging. Variation: For a more prominent ‘bitter almond’ flavor, add 4 apricot nuts,** split in half, to basic mixture. Leave in for 2 days to 2 weeks depending upon depth of flavor desired. Remove and discard apricot nuts. Continue as directed. **Note: Apricot ‘nuts’ come from within the apricot pit. You may split pits yourself or obtain them dried at a health food store. TREY@BIG-BIRD.CS.BERKELEY.EDU (MACDONALD JACKSON) REC.FOOD.RECIPES From archives. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe Archive, .

How Do You Cook Amaretto Liqueur?

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