Free Recipe African Special Curry Powder

Recipe Type: Free Spice Recipes
Recipe Preparation: cook
Cooking Temperature:
Recipe Serves: 4

Ingredients for African Special Curry Powder Recipe

1-1/2 lb Coriander
1/4 lb Cumin
1/2 lb Fenugreek
2 oz Mustard seeds
1/4 lb Poppy seed
1/4 lb Bay leaves
2 tb Cardamom
2 tb Cloves
2 tb Peppercorns

African Special Curry Powder Preparation

Curry powders are an important part of African cooking due to the heavy influence of Arabic and Indian cuisine in Africa. Curry powders are made from different proportions of spices, dried and ground. Spices can be dried in the sun for two to three days, in a low temperature oven, or on top of the stove in a dry skillet. If using a skillet be sure to shake the spices constantly so they don’t burn. Grinding is usually done with a mortar and pestle. Curry powders are not necessarily hot, they are made that way by the addition of chili peppers. Brown the spices in a hot oven until crisp. Grind and seal in an airtight container until used. Add 1 teas. powdered turmeric, and chili powder to taste for every teas. of your special curry powder. Recipe By : From: Ladies Home Journal- August 1991 File

How Do You Cook African Special Curry Powder?

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